Fisayo Patrick


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If you want to start showing up as a content creator, here are 6 content creation channels to explore in 2024 and beyond.

There’s no doubt that content creation is now the name of the game and every day, the need for content consumption increases.

We live in a world that is highly driven by digital content and more and more creators are springing up with pretty creative content for their social media platforms.

But regardless, there’s still a need for more digital content which means that it is not too late for you to start.

One of the best ways to be visible to the people you are called to serve is to consistently meet them with helpful content on social media platforms.

In this blog post, my aim to share with you 6 content creation channels to explore if you want to be a content creator in 2024 and beyond.

This will also work for you if you already are a content creator and you are looking to open another channel of content.

I’ll give you 6 types or formats for content that you can explore.

Once you are done reading through, I’ll advice that you think really deeply about the one that will work for you based on your skills, your personality, or your passion.

Here are 6 content creation channels to explore in 2024 and beyond if you want to be a content creator or up your game.


freelance content writer

If you are pretty good at writing, meaning that you know your ways with words and you can write effortlessly, freelance writing may be the best choice.

First of all, find a niche/topic that you enjoy talking about or that you have adequate knowledge in.

Make sure that the topic or niche is a trending topic that is constantly being talked about on social media platforms.

Next, do an in-depth research of the audience to find out their pain points and the major issues they talk about.

You can also do a quick deep dive to see what people have written or are writing about that topic so that you’ll know where to start from.

Here’s one thing you should note, you need to add an extra special sauce that only you have to your content because you need to be able to stand out from others in that field.

How do you make money as a freelance writer? First, you need to be findable.

You cannot be a freelance writer and work in isolation. You must make yourself visible.

This means that you must have a strong presence on social media platforms and also a portfolio.

The portfolio will showcase any prior work that you have done in the past so that when prospects ask to see what you can do for them, you’ll share the links with them.

If you are just starting out and you don’t have any client yet to add to your portfolio, you may need to begin with a lot of free work such as freelance writing for friends and family, your Church, the local publication in your community, etc.

As a freelance writer, you will not be a full employee of a particular company or a business owner, instead, you’ll work per project.

Meaning that you’ll get gigs from people who need your writing services for their business brands or their social media platforms

One aspect of freelance writing is Ghostwriting.

Ghostwriting is simply the act of one person writing in the name of another person, group, company, or institution without receiving a byline or public credit.

For example, a person might have an idea for a book but may not be able to sit down and write out the entire content for the book, your job as a ghostwriter is to help them write the book using a guide they have provided.

Another aspect of freelance writing is blogging.

As a freelance writer who writes for blogs, you are tasked with the duty of providing articles on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for the blog.

Most freelance writers who write for blogs are hired by companies or business owners looking to express thought leadership through content or just looking to drive traffic to their business websites.

So as a freelance writer, if there is a specific topic/niche you enjoy writing about, you can find clients in those specific areas.

My best advice for finding clients is to be findable.

Being findable is simply about having a presence on social media, especially in the appropriate platforms companies might be looking for writers on, like LinkedIn or Twitter.

You should also have a place where you write consistently so that if the prospects needs your portfolio, you can send them a link.

A great place to start is to have your own blog and this takes me to my next point.


A blog is very essential for you if you want to be seen as a great writer, it is also one of the most prominent ways of being a content creator.

The main job of a blogger is to create highly optimized and time-worthy content for a target audience on any blogging platform.

An highly optimized content is one that is written with relevant keywords that the target audience uses to search for particular topics of interest.

This means that you must have a good understanding of SEO.

You need to be able to do keyword research to find out what your target audience is really searching for, this will ensure that you are dealing with their pain points.

My first rodeo into content creation and owning an online business in general started with blogging/freelance writing.

I knew I wanted to talk about personal development, so I created a free blog on a site and started to write daily.

But I knew it wasn’t sustainable, so I moved to a site where I had many features, including a customized domain name.

Eventually, I turned the blog into a full-functioning website which has been very instrumental to my online business and my income in general.

So having a blog is good. It serves as your portfolio and can be a home-base for your business when you eventually expand.

It is where you validate your skills as a freelance writer.

There are many great platforms to start your blog on, but the one I will always recommend is WordPress. I’ve been using WordPress for years and it is so satisfying to use.

I also use it for many of my clients who want to build a website or blog for their brand.

So, starting a blog allows you to be creative with your own content.


A YouTube channel is a great content creation channel to explore in 2024 and beyond

Starting a YouTube channel is pretty easy, all you just need to do is to create an account on Google (or a Gmail account), and then create a channel on YouTube.

However, coming up with relevant content, doing keyword research, acquiring the right gear, and staying consistent can be a bit challenging.

In order to get the right eyes on your channel, you need to create the right kind of content.

This is where audience research comes in. You’ll need to do an in-depth research on who your audience is and what pain points they have.

You can’t just start filming videos without knowing for sure if people would love to watch it or not.

And after you have done your research, the filming process has to be up to standard.

What I’m talking about here is that you must have a good set-up in terms of light, audio, and set.

Videos that are aesthetically pleasing will always out-perform videos that are not because people will first be attracted by what you are showing them before they’ll listen to you.

If the YouTube channel you want to create is informative, you’ll want to make sure the content you publish is accurate.

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Podcast is a great content creation channel to explore in 2024 and beyond

Podcasting has become super prevalent these days, every Tom, Dick, and Harry (no offense brothers), now have a podcast.

But rather than becoming an annoying trend, it’s a super interesting thing to see.

It’s good to see that more people are now embracing audio-only content which means that consumers can listen on the go.

Blogs are great, YouTube videos are even more fun, but you see podcasting? They are the real deal.

Many podcasters kill two birds with one stone, they record their podcasts as videos, and then share them both on YouTube and on podcast platforms like Spotify, Apple podcasts, and so on.

This is something you can consider if you want to go into full-time content creation.

You’ll be showing up on the two most consumed content platforms. A YouTube channel and a blog.

So it is up to your audience to decide which one they prefer.

I have a podcast too and it’s called Realities of a Nigerian Creative. You can check it out on Spotify.


I’m not really so crazy about TikTok, I don’t really enjoy funny skits and dance videos.

Don’t get me wrong, they are interesting, its just that I’d rather be watching a tutorial video on YouTube or a short informative video on Instagram than to spend my time watching TikToks.

However, the platform is growing to become a behomoth.

It is pretty easy to grow on TikTok as long as you can consistently churn out high-quality videos.

The short-form video platform is known for trends, challenges, and creativity.

If your audience is the young, bougie, gen Zs then TikTok is a great place for you to show up with great quality videos.

Although, the news is that TikTok has been banned in some regions and in USA, the senate has passed a bill that it should either be sold or it will be banned.

So if you already have a growing and engaging audience on TikTok, it’s best to start exploring other channels.


An email newsletter is a great content creation channel to explore in 2024 and beyond

Newsletters are one of the best content platforms out there and I think it is very important that every one who creates content on the web should have one.

They are also a great content creation channels to explore in 2024 and beyond.

Platforms can fall out of popularity any time, this happens all the time, like what is currently happening with TikTok in the US.

The best way to stay safe is to build an email list because it is not subject to the same algorithms that social media platforms have.

It’s not volatile and it doesn’t fluctuate like social media.

If you have someone’s email add then you have the permission to email them at will.

The only challenges that I know email newsletters have is that you may encounter server errors that may affect deliverability.

But other than that, your email goes directly into your subscribers’ email and depending on how much value you provide, they will open them and you’ll have increased open rates.

You can also automate your newsletters and send a blast to a number of people.

There are a lot of great email service providers like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Mailerlite, etc.

But I found out that I like Substack best. But, as always, choose what works for you.

Final Words

Look, content creation is the name of the game, and if you are ready to play the game of visibility and income, you should get started.

I’m teaching a class on content creation in June, if you are interested in being a part of it, send me a DM here

That’s all I have in this blog post about content creation channels to explore in 2024 and beyond.

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