My superpower is helping you overcome your fear of starting an online business and going from scratch to success.
Do you lack the courage to say goodbye to your boss and colleagues? Sometimes, this lack of courage may be caused by fear, fear of stepping into an uncertain world, fear of failing.
This is why I set up this coaching part of my business, to help you navigate your way from corporate to freelancing. Below is a video I made about how I switched and how you can too.
Here's how it works
Free Plan
Every week, I share emails that take you step by step through the process of registering your online business, setting it up online, and getting and retaining customers.
When you join the Scratch to Success Group, I carry you on my back and take you through the journey. How does this work? One-on-one sessions with me, private tutorial videos that teach you how to work with digital tools, exercises that help to strengthen your knowledge and every other valuable thing out there to help you succeed.